How to change m prezi inot a portable prezi
How to change m prezi inot a portable prezi

There are no identified operational and strategic areas within IT IT is not 'at the table' during strategic discussions IT Strategy Map IT-Business Alignment Gaps There is a severe lack of integration of mission critical systems across the organisation. IT Strategy IT-Business Alignment Gaps Documented IT strategy is non-existent Current IT staffing and work practices support the role of IT as the 'mechanic'. IT is therefore only brought in at the 'mechanic' level of fixing identified issues, not as the strategist to assist in the process. Poor communication channels across departments due to vertically stratified hierarchies. Without identification of weaknesses, IT cannot strategically find solutions. Poor alignment of community goals to IT strategies through the IP&R framework Poor value chain identification that would allow IT to analyse and improve upon By being unwilling to discuss or even recognise weaknesses in the organisation for fear of the political ramifications, the organisation is denying itself a major and critical enabler of growth. continuity of direction IT-Business Alignment Gaps No clear vision statement that can be interpreted in IT and applied to work practices. Strategic fit or alignment to the value chain 6.

how to change m prezi inot a portable prezi

Robust strategies involve disciplined trade-offs 5. Strategy needs to be reflected in a distinctive value chain 4. Set the right goal: superior long-term return on investment 2. Poorly aligned performance indicators for IT. Confusion between operational and strategic activities within IT.

how to change m prezi inot a portable prezi

Lack of willingness to allow IT to operate strategically within the organisation. Micro-management of IT which stifles open and honest communication.

how to change m prezi inot a portable prezi

IT is seen as an operational enabler who “fixes staff computers and sorts out broken software.” IT-Business Alignment Gaps A lack of consultation with IT in the strategic business decisions of the organisation. Confusion over what “participation in IT planning” means for the organisation. Little to no understanding of effective performance measures for IT as they align to the organisation. The Gaps Interviews Key Findings from Interviews A widely disparate understanding of the role and position of IT in respect to the decision making process A universal agreement that IT is of central importance to the organisation and its business processes. Transcript: Holroyd LGA 100,000 people 30,000 assessments 40 sq KM 60% residential 30% industrial 7% commercial 3% open space HCC 650 total staff 350 admin staff $40M annual budget $528M total assets Structure GM 4 dept heads 16 managers Integrated Planning and Reporting Department of Local Government Combines all Council's programs into one public document "Accountability" Active: A place that is inclusive, healthy and safe Growing: A place that is focussed on effective urban planning and economic development Balanced: A place that values its environment, open space and sustainable development Connected: A place that is open and accessible to all Dynamic: A place that is engaged and innovative.

How to change m prezi inot a portable prezi